Monday, December 1, 2014

Holiday Steeples Pastor's Letter

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, and our risen Lord, Jesus Christ!

It is just now the very beginning of the holiday season. As I write this, we are preparing for Thanksgiving, the stores are beginning to fill up with red and green everything, and the air is decidedly taking at turn towards “winter.”

It is common for the message that we hear from churches in the holiday season to be one of “remember the reason for the season” or “take time for God!” I want to give you a different message.

It is, of course, important to remember why we celebrate, but we don’t by any means need to stop what we do, and somehow renounce the traditions that make us happy, in order to “really” celebrate the season. So my message to you this season is to encourage you to do the things that help you celebrate.

If you celebrate by searching for the perfect gift for everyone on your list, then do so, knowing that God celebrates with you when you find that absolute best present.

If you celebrate by gathering together with family and busily preparing massive amounts of food that leave your fridge and freezer stuffed with leftovers for weeks, then do so, knowing that God feasts with you, and celebrates with you as you feed those you love.

If you celebrate by traveling or by staying home, by lighting candles in a wreath or setting up impressive light displays, by decorating a large tree or by making cookies, by volunteering time or donating extra money, no matter what you do, do with confidence. God loves us! God loves celebrating with us!

And, if you find that the holidays are, really, just stressful, and you want time apart, do that, too.

This year we will be having a “Quiet Christmas” service on Sunday, December 21, at 5pm. This will be a full Christmas worship service with Holy Communion and familiar carols, but designed with those for whom the holidays are a time of sadness, stress, or grief, in mind.

No matter how you spend the holidays, know that the God who was made human, walk with you, sings with you, celebrates with you.

Thanks be to God.

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